Accelerating research outcomes to deliver a prosperous net zero Top Image

Accelerating research outcomes to deliver a prosperous net zero

Apply for follow-on funding to build on existing engineering and physical sciences research outputs to accelerate economic, societal, policy and environmental benefits. The proposed benefits must contribute to delivering Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)’s Engineering Net Zero (ENZ) priority.

Applications must build on prior EPSRC funding. You can only apply for this funding opportunity if we have invited you to do so following a successful outline application.

The full economic cost (FEC) of your project can be up to £800,000. We will fund 80% of the FEC. Projects may be up to two years in duration.

Funding type Total fund Award range Publication date Opening date Closing date
Grant £7,500,000 £100,000 - £800,000 16 July 2024 16 July 2024 9:00am UK time

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