Innovation Exchange challenge: Net Zero and Energy System Transition - Calorific Value Gas Sensor Top Image

Innovation Exchange challenge: Net Zero and Energy System Transition - Calorific Value Gas Sensor

Cadent Gas is looking for companies who can develop a Calorific Gas sensor that can be installed into the gas network and monitor CV to ensure the gas is correct for use.

As the UK moves towards a greener future with CO2 being reduced with the aim of phasing out completely, the UK gas networks are working hard to reduce the amount of fossil fuels in the network and replace it with lower carbon alternative types of gas. Cadent are looking to improve their monitoring of the network by adding sensors at a local level that can measure multiple gas types/mixes for the Calorific Value.

The UK currently has circa 1% biomethane in the distribution network and no injected hydrogen. However, Cadent have significant plans to increase biogas content to reduce the carbon content of the fuel we transport. Improved sensorisation of localised CV could be one key components of the solution to enable green gases to be introduced in the UK.

In the case of biomethane, the current widely used solution is Propanation, which is a useful but imperfect solution to the problem, especially to be done effectively and timely at scale.

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