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Who We Are

Industrial Decarbonisation Northern Ireland (ID-NI) is a project led by InvestNI to bring together key stakeholders from across Northern Ireland to develop a plan for industrial decarbonisation.

Northern Ireland has unique opportunities and challenges when tackling industrial decarbonisation, including the opportunity to become a leading industrial cluster for decarbonised manufacturing.

Three partners from the Black Country Industrial Cluster (Camirus, Pro Enviro and The EIU) are working with InvestNI, Queen's University of Belfast, University of Ulster, Manufacturing Northern Ireland , MPA Northern Ireland and Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Centre and all the local authorities to develop a vision for industrial decarbonisation that also enhances productivity and competitiveness for investors.

ID-NI website is a knowledge sharing platform that presents a collaboration among participating companies and Local Authorities. The aim of the project is to try to identify effective ways for organisations to make environmental and economic improvements by reducing energy consumption. With a dual interface, the public side serves as a knowledge hub to showcase information, decarbonization plans, and project-related updates. At the heart of this platform are COSI’s networks, empowering communities to share experiences and strategies. This platform is a digital knowledge platform which displays innovation to sustainable and greener future.


Industrial Decarbonisation for Northern Ireland Interactive Map







NI Councils

NI Councils