GNI (UK) – Subsidiary of Gas Networks Ireland Top Image

GNI (UK) – Subsidiary of Gas Networks Ireland

GNI (UK) is a gas transmission system owner and operator in Northern Ireland (“NI”), as well as owner and operator in GB of gas interconnectors to the Republic of Ireland (“RoI”). We are a subsidiary of Gas Networks Ireland, the national gas network operator in RoI. We do not own the gas; we transport it on behalf of suppliers and shippers. In NI, our transmission system connects many of the region’s towns and villages, including those within the firmus energy and Phoenix Energy distribution networks, as well as Coolkeergah power station.

GNI (UK) – Subsidiary of Gas Networks Ireland

We are working collaboratively with the other NI gas network operators (“GNOs”) –Mutual Energy, Phoenix Energy, firmus energy and Evolve – to facilitate replacing natural gas with renewable gases, such as biomethane and green hydrogen, and complementing intermittent renewable electricity, supporting NI’s journey to a cleaner energy future.

In 2022, the NI GNOs published a joint plan – NI Gas Network Pathway to Net-Zero – to fully decarbonise the region’s gas network by 2050.  In 2023, we published a Northern Ireland Gas Network Operator ‘Commitments’ document, including the acceleration of biomethane injection volumes and to deliver a network ready for a hydrogen economy.

Gas Networks Ireland has an ambitious Corporate Strategy, which includes safely and securely enabling the transition to a decarbonised future by delivering reliable and affordable energy solutions for our customers, transitioning together to transport networked renewable gases at scale.  We are investing in new technologies and infrastructure, such as Compressed Natural Gas (“CNG”) and bioCNG for transport, and centralised injection facilities for biomethane producers.  We recently published a Pathway to a NetZero Carbon Network’, which sets out an ambitious transformation pathway to deliver a repurposed, resized, and fully decarbonised network by 2045, ensuring a secure and reliable energy supply while supporting Ireland’s climate and energy goals.

GNI (UK) is a gas transporter, rather than an industrial end user.  We aim, in cooperation with the other NI gas network operators, to promote and facilitate integration of low carbon / renewable gas onto the NI gas network, and to develop same, to support decarbonisation of multiple sectors of NI’s economy, with a particularly important role in providing decarbonisation options to the industrial sector.

Initiatives being progressed locally and nationally

GNI (UK) are working collaboratively with the other NI GNOs – Mutual Energy, Phoenix Energy, firmus energy and Evolve – to facilitate replacing natural gas with renewable gases, such as biomethane and green hydrogen, on a long-term pathway to a net zero carbon network.

Through March to May 2024, we undertook a Biomethane Request for Information exercise with the other NI GNOs, which returned in excess of 3.5 TWh of potential production projects, which is sufficient to decarbonise the significant majority of NI’s current large industrial and commercial gas demand.  We have produced a Biomethane Connections Guide, to inform to developers how they can connect to the NI transmission network.

GNI (UK) are conducting research, in association with partners, on the Safety of Hydrogen Blends in the Northern Irish Gas Network.

Gas Networks Ireland are developing a plan for transitioning the gas network to hydrogen overtime, taking due consideration of: 

  1. plans to develop a biomethane sector,
  2. consideration of end uses and their likely locations where known,
  3. the need to maintain energy security through the transition,
  4. how existing end users can transition from natural gas to hydrogen, or to alternative energy solutions such as electric heating,
  5. the potential use of hydrogen blends during a transition phase, the costs associated and how the transition from blending can occur.

The plan will look to identify where the network can be repurposed, or where new pipelines may be required and provide detailed costings and a programme of works.

In terms of practical investment, we are:

  • involved in Project Causeway and Green Connect projects, through which we are supporting the development of CNG refuelling stations and infrastructure;
  • developing a Centralised Gas Injection hub (in RoI) for biomethane producers, and;
  • constructing a first of its kind connection in NI to gas transmission system for a large industrial user, other than for power stations.  This is to support LYCRA to transition their Maydown site from a solid fuel power plant to gas, removing the need for more than 45,000 tonnes of coal per year and, in doing so, to abate approximately 50,000 tons of C02 annually (equivalent to eliminating C02 emissions from over 10,000 homes in the Derry City & Strabane District Council area).  There will also be other greenhouse gas and air quality benefits, with reduced NOx, SO2, Particulate Matter emissions.


Local Funding Initiatives

GNI (UK) is a regulated utility, primarily funded through regulatory allowances approved by the Utility Regulator.  This includes some funding to contribute to efforts to facilitate a transition to renewable gases.

However, we do endeavour to avail of alternate funding sources wherever possible, to reduce costs to consumers.  This has recently included, for example:

  • funding from the Department for the Economy NI’s Green Innovation Challenge Fund to research, in association with partners, the Safety of Hydrogen Blends in the Northern Irish Gas Network, and
  • co-financing by the EU’s Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) for the Green Connect Project.



Pathway to a Net Zero Carbon Network (2024)
The Irish Government has ambitious climate and energy targets to successfully transition to a carbon-neutral economy by 2050.Our transformation pathway reflects this same imperative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by transporting renewable gases only, while simultaneously ensuring Ireland has a secure and reliable energy supply in an increasingly integrated energy system.
Date Published: 2024
Date Range: 2024
File Size: Link
Biomethane Energy Report (2023)
To meet Ireland’s climate and energy security ambitions, Ireland’s gas network must transition to transport renewable gases at scale.
Date Published: 2023
Date Range: 2023
File Size: Link
NI Gas Network Pathway to Net-Zero (2022)
The gas industry recognises that whilst natural gas will play a key bridging role in Northern Ireland’s journey to Net-Zero, the NI Gas Network must transition away from the distribution of natural gas to renewable gases like Hydrogen and Biomethane.
Date Published: 2022
Date Range: 2022
File Size: Link
Hydrogen Technical and Safety Feasibility Study (2022)
To address this action, Gas Networks Ireland assembled an internal cross-functional technical and safety working group assisted by global energy consultancy DNV which, over the course of 2022, undertook a number of technical assessments of its assets, processes, procedures and arrangements and a review of international studies and trials.
Date Published: 2022
Date Range: 2022
File Size: Link
Sustainability Report 2022
Our sustainability strategy has three pillars, Environment, Social and Governance, and is aligned with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. This report outlines our progress in implementing the principles of sustainable development across all aspects of our operations.
Date Published: 2022
Date Range: 2022
File Size: Link

Contact Details


Contact Person

Shane Rafferty

NI Energy Transition Manager



Gas Networks Ireland Headquarters, Gasworks Road Cork, T12 RX96


Phone Number

00353 87 482 7725
